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group show with Julio Rondo, Matthias Meyer, Giovanni Castell, Jan Davidoff, Daniel Man, Christian Horacio Probst, Imi Knoebel and Günther Förg

February 05 - March 29, 2025


March 2024

DANIEL MAN @ Projektraum Kunstverein Wagenhalle

"„x/y/z" - group exhibition

February 2024

MATTHIAS MEYER @ Kunstverein Speyer, Speyer

"Rug Paintings" - solo exhibition

December 2023

LUZIA SIMONS @ Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art Biennale

Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum, JCU Jingdezhen Ceramic University, China 

October 2023

DANIEL MAN @ Rathaus Galerie, Munich

"Schönheit und Wahrheit" - mit Serena Ferrario und Sebastian Giussani

September 2023

MATTHIAS MEYER @ Akzo Nobel Art Foundation, Amsterdam

"EARTH - A collective landscape" - group exhibition

September 2023

ARIAMNA CONTINO & ALEX HERNÁNDEZ-DUEÑAS @ HALLE 14, Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig

"Das grosse Tableau / The Big Picture" - group exhibition

May 2023

STEFAN HUNSTEIN @ Koenig Museum Landshut

"Im Austausch - Fritz Koenig und seine Kreise" - group exhibition

April 2023

PHILIPP LACHENMANN @ Techne Sphere, Leipzig


February 2023

DANIEL MAN @ Raum für Kunst im Glaspalast, HALLE 1 , Augsburg

"POLYCHROM" - group exhibition

October 2022

ARIAMNA CONTINO @ 23 El Espacio Twenty Three (Pérez Museum), Miami

"You Know Who You Are: recent acquisitions of Cuban Art from the Jorge M. Pérez Collection" - group exhibition

October 2022

LUZIA SIMONS @ Kunsthalle Rostock

"Über Wasser und Pflanzen" - group exhibition

September 2022

LUZIA SIMONS @ 13th Mercosur Biennial, Porto Alegre, Brazil

April 2022


"Brasilidade pós-modernismo" - group exhibition

March 2022

ARIAMNA CONTINO @ Hispanic American Cultural Center, La Habana, Cuba

“Behind the wall“, group exhibition

March 2022

MATTHIAS MEYER  @ Museum Wilhelm Mogner

"Wilhelm-Morgner-Preis 2022 | Gruppenausstellung der 10 Finalisten"

December 2021


"Brasilidade Pós-Modernismo", group exhibition

November 2021

STEFAN HUNSTEIN @ Städtische Galerie Traunstein

"Im Eis"

November 2021


October 2021

DANIEL MAN @ BENEFIT AUCTION by Freunde Haus der Kunst

September 2021

YIGAL OZERI @ Flint Institute of Arts

"Brush with Reality"

September 2021

DIETER REHM @ Kunstverein Bayreuth | Wilhelmine Gesellschaft

"Wilhelmine Reloaded"

September 2021

PHILIPP LACHENMANN @ Kunstraum Kreuzberg | Bethanien, Berlin

"Studio Bosporus Festival" - group exhibition

August 2021

LUZIA SIMONS @ Castle and Park Pillnitz

"Artist's Conquest" - group exhibition

July 2021


"I am Nature - Of Vulnerability. Survival in the Risk Society" - group exhibition

July 2021



November 2020

STEFAN HUNSTEIN  @ Kunstmuseum Bochum

"Abbild und Wirklichkeit"

November 2020


November 2020


September 2020

DANIEL MAN @ STOA169, Polling, Germany

The artist columned hall

May 2020

JULIO RONDO @ tim, Staatliches Textil- und Industrie Museum, Augsburg

"Amish Quilts meet Modern Art" - group exhibition

February 2020

PHILIPP LACHENMANN  @ Halle 9, Techne Sphere Leipzig

"Resonance - Photography on Niemeyer" - group exhibition

February 2020

ARIAMNA CONTINO & ALEX HÉRNANDEZ  @ Kunst- und Kulturstiftung Opelvillen Rüsselsheim

"Liebesgrüße aus Havanna. Zeitgenössiche Kunst im internationalen Kontext" - group exhibition

November 2019

PHILIPP LACHENMANN  @ Fuhrwerkswaage Kunstraum, Köln

"20 Jahre Villa Aurora - Stipendium des KunstSalon" - group exhibition


October 2019

STEFAN HUNSTEIN  @ Rathausgalerie Kunsthalle München

"Fotografie ist die Botschaft - Werkschau: Arbeiten aus den Jahren 1979 bis 2019"

July 2019

ANDRIUS ZAKARAUSKAS  @ Bemberger Diözesanmuseum

"Der Funke Gottes!" - group exhibition

May 2019

ARIAMNA CONTINO & ALEX HERNÁNDEZ @ the 85th Biennale di Venezia

"Entorno aleccionador (A Cautionary Environment)", Cuban Pavilion, Isola di San Servolo

May 2019

LUZIA SIMONS  @ Sammlung Spallart, Salzburg

"Blumengruss" - group exhibition

May 2019

GIOVANNI CASTELL  @ Sammlung Spallart, Salzburg

"Blumengruss" - group exhibition

April 2019

LUZIA SIMONS @ Schloss Caputh, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten

"B.A.R.O.C.K" - group exhibition

April 2019

LUZIA SIMONS @ Wunderkammer / me Collectors Room, Berlin

"B.A.R.O.C.K" - group exhibition

April 2019

LUZIA SIMONS @ MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art, Krakow

"Nature in Art" - group exhibition

April 2019


"Ferne Welten - weite Träume", solo show @ St. Annen Museum, Luebeck, Germany

March 2019

ARIAMNA CONTINO & ALEX HERNÁNDEZ @ Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt

"Gemalte Diagramme.  Bauhaus, Kunst und Infografik" - group exhibition

March 2019


"10 years after" @ Rosenhang Museum, Weilburg

January 2019

solo show @ Halle 9, Leipziger Kirow - Werke", 2019

December 2018

1st EDITON </ BIENNALE STRASBOURG > @ Biennale Strasbourg, 2018


November 2018

Studio Bosporus @ Hamburger Bahnhof", 2018


November 2018


October 2018

"Suite - Unserer Lieben Frau" @ Rosenhang Museum, Weilburg

June  2018

ANTON HILLER  @ Kunsthaus Dahlem
"Was war Europa?" - group exhibition

April 2018

"DELPHI Rationale" @ Scheringstiftung, Berlin

January 2018


"Tiefe Wasser" @ Rosenhang Museum, Weilburg




Art Miami

December 03-08, 2024


Art Cologne

November 07-10, 2024


Positions Berlin

September 12-15, 2024


Volta Basel

June 10-16, 2024


Art Karlsruhe

February 22-25, 2024


Art Miami

December 05-10, 2023


Positions Berlin

September 14-17, 2023


Art Karlsruhe

May 04-07, 2023


Art Miami

Nov 29 - Dec 04, 2022


Positions Berlin

September 15 -18, 2022


Art Karlsruhe

July 07-10, 2022


Cologne Fine Art & Design

November 17-21, 2021


Positions Berlin

September 9 -12, 2021


Art Karlsruhe

February 13 -16, 2020


Art Miami

December 04-08, 2019


Art Berlin

September 12-15, 2019


Art Central Hong Kong

March 17-21, 2019




Knöbelstrasse 27
D-80538 München

T +49 (0) 89 21 93 92 50
F +49 (0) 89 21 93 92 52

Opening hours:

Tuesday - Friday  11am - 6pm

Saturday                  11am - 3pm

Galerie Andreas Binder started in 1991 as a program gallery for contemporary art in Munich and shows emerging and established international contemporary artists working with various media such as painting, photography, film, and installation. Besides the Gallery in Munich, Andreas Binder ran the Project Space Berlin in Berlin from 1995 until 1998, where artists like Fred Sandback, Lawrence Weiner, and Matt Mullican were invited to realize in situ projects.
Since its beginning, Galerie Andreas Binder has intensively participated at different art fairs in the USA, Europe, and Asia, amongst others, Vienna Contemporary, Art Cologne, Art Basel, Art Amsterdam, Art Paris, Art Miami, Art New York, Volta New York, Volta Basel, KIAF Seoul, Art Central Hongkong, Art Karlsruhe, Positions Berlin, etc.
In 2021, Galerie Andreas Binder has celebrated its 30th anniversary.


Galerie Andreas Binder
Gallery for contemporary art - Munich.
Owner: Andreas Binder, Veronika Jeric-Binder

Sales tax identification number: DE 167 017 270
Tax number: 144/147/401 98


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Installation Views by:

Kilian Blees

Website by:

Melander Holzapfel








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